Kenya Mission 2005

By Daniel Bucher
Walenstadt, Switzerland


I was asked before to join Rev. Sullivan on a mission, but I always managed to find a good reason not to go. I remember telling him that if ever he went to Kenya and stayed in a 5-Star resort, I would certainly consider it. Now in December, 2004, he called saying that he would go on a trip to Kenya in February and that he remembered me expressing my desire to go there. (Now about that 5-Star Resort a little later!)

Joining us on this mission were Rev. Evan Pyle and Rev. Steve Monahan of the USA, David Mantock of Switzerland, Joshua Wamala and Henry Musana of Uganda, and Ans Mwambepo of Tanzania. Together we traveled from the capitol city of Kampala in Uganda to the city of Kakamega in the Western part of Kenya.

This event was significant, because for the first time the Weapons Of Our Warfare class was run in two different places at the same time. One class was held in the outskirts of Kakamega, taught by Evan and assisted by Steve. The other class was held in the city itself, taught by Tim. Henry and David went along with Evan and Steve, and Ans, Joshua and I stayed with Tim.

During my time in Africa, I met some wonderful people who have a great heart and love to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. This was my first visit to the continent of Africa and I did not quite know what I had to expect, but God had worked in the people’s hearts to make our stay as comfortable as possible. You know, I have read the previous reports of these African missions, but it never quite occurred to me what it really takes to do a trip like this. I have to say I have the utmost respect for my traveling companions who take the time to teach the Word of God. You guys are tough and certainly not spoiled. For sure you can call yourselves the servants of the Lord. I must say that I can understand some of the verses of the Bible much better than before, as I got to have some of the same experiences as some of the great men in the Bible. Remember the story of Jonah, who sat under the vine which withered away because of the heat? Well, it was very hot in Africa!

Spending time in Africa, you get an understanding and appreciation of the blessings we have in the western world. But it showed me also that many Christians of the western world are spiritually asleep. We do not have worries about food and water; we do not have the daily battles for survival; and even though we live in the same world and are so much better off, we forget to pray and give thanks.

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not being condescending, and I can speak only for myself. I know that we face different challenges than the people in Africa, and I am sure that these challenges are as difficult for some as they are for the Africans. But I really believe that we in the West need to be awake spiritually and we need to help wake up some of the Christians living next to us. We need to help each other remember in the countries we live in that God is still God.

What impressed me the most was the boldness some of our brothers and sisters have in Africa. Taxis have written on them “God is Grace” or “Jesus is Love”. Businesses show that they give glory to God; churches sing with loud voices; and people are not afraid to praise and speak about God openly. Maybe we need more missionaries in our part of the world? But God is great and He is faithful.

To the team, I’d like to express my thanks for taking care of me. You have all ministered to my heart. As it says in Isaiah 40:31, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

And to the supporters of Workers Together With Him, thank you for the prayers you made, for without them it would have not worked. Your prayers and support made this Mission a “Mission Possible.” Believe me. God has and will honour that.

Oh yes, as for the 5-Star Resort... One star is enough and that is the Bright and Morning Star. Glory be to God! And God Bless you!


From the May 2005 edition of the Vine & Branches